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Szabályok • Élményházigazda

Irányelvek Airbnb-élményprogramok csapattal történő vezetéséhez

Sometimes two are better than one. If you host your Experiences with a friend, partner, or team, they can help you manage your guests on the Airbnb platform.

The Experience’s primary Host is the key administrator and can choose who joins the team and which tools and features they can access. Team members can use their own accounts to help manage the Experience.

The primary Host gives each team member basic permissions, and can expand their permissions depending on their role. Team members don’t have access to a primary Host’s or each other’s payout information.

Learn how to add team members to your Experience.

Requirements for hosting with a team

Use the Teams tool to add every member of your team, business, or organization who will interact with guests during your Experience:

  1. Add all team members and assistants to your Experience
  2. Indicate any activity that team members will be leading during the Experience
  3. Ensure that any team member who will drive guests in a vehicle or lead them on certain specialized activities completes a license or certification verification via Airbnb’s partner, Evident ID
  4. Link each instance of your Experience with the correct Co-Host who will be leading it, so guests know exactly who and what to expect

Primary Host

A primary Host lists and owns the Experience on Airbnb. They have all permission settings, and guest ratings and reviews will appear on their profile. There can be only one primary Host.


A Co-Host leads guests on Experiences. Their name, photo, and bio will appear on the Experience page, but guest ratings and reviews will not appear on their individual Airbnb profile. In-person Experiences can have up to 20 Co-Hosts.


An assistant helps the primary Host manage their Experience. Their name, photo, and bio won’t appear on the Experience page, and they won’t be able to lead guests on Experiences. Guest ratings and reviews will not appear on their individual Airbnb profile.

Co-Hosts and assistants can:

  • Respond to inquiries and individual guests
  • Message booked guests from the calendar
  • View the calendar

In addition to the primary Host, only 3 team members can be given permission to respond to inquiries and individual guests. Co-Hosts can respond to any messages received through their Airbnb inbox.

Overlapping instances

Experiences that have more than one Co-Host can schedule overlapping instances, but these instances can't start at the same time. This isn’t possible for Experiences with only one Host.

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