Miután elkezdesz gépelni, javaslatok fognak megjelenni. Az áttekintéshez használd a felfelé és lefelé mutató nyilakat. A kiválasztáshoz használd az Enter billentyűt. Ha a kijelölt rész egy kifejezés, akkor a kifejezés kerül be a keresésbe. Ha a javaslat egy link, akkor a böngésző erre az oldalra navigál.

Keresés környék, nevezetesség vagy cím alapján

Seasoned travelers know there isn’t just one New York—just like there isn’t one Lagos or one Paris. Each neighborhood within a city has its own vibe.

Improved search features in 2023

We are introducing some intuitive new features to our search functionality:

Smarter autocomplete: When searching for a destination, you’ll see more relevant place suggestions, improved place naming, and fewer duplicates.

Points of interest: If you search for a point of interest or address, the results will show how far each listing is from your searched place. For example, if you search for the Eiffel Tower, the search result might indicate that a particular listing is a 5 minute walk from the Eiffel Tower.

      Search by points of interest

      You can search for a specific neighborhood, landmark, or street the same way you would for a city—by typing it into the Location field. (ex: “Sagrada Familia, Barcelona” or “Lombard Street, San Francisco”.) You’ll also find neighborhoods and local points of interest identified on the map in your search results

      Learn more about the local area

      Hosts are more than happy to talk about the neighborhood and will often leave a brief description by the map on their listing, if not in the introductory description. They might have even created a guidebook outlining their favorite spots to give you more local flavor—if so, you’ll find that on the listing, too.

      Lastly, don’t forget to read the reviews to find out what other guests think about the area.

      Segített ez a cikk?

      Kapcsolódó cikkek

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