Hasznos hely

Alekszandr Szergejevics Puskin emlékműve

8 helybéli ajánlja,
14 Prymorskyi Blvd
Odesa, Odes'ka oblast

Tippek a helyiektől

December 7, 2013
A great Russian poet Aleksandr Pushkin lived in Odessa and even wrote some of his poems here. That`s why the monument was erected at the beginning of the Primorskiy boulevard.
August 7, 2015
Erected in the years 1887-1889 in the city of Odessa on the Nikolaev Boulevard on donations of Odessa. The third monument, erected in Odessa.
July 5, 2015
Monument to Alexander Pushkin

Egyedi programok a közelben

A legjobb kerékpártúra Odessza© tengerpartján
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