
Museum of Natural History - Section of Geology and Paleontology

7 helybéli ajánlja,
4 Via Giorgio la Pira
Firenze, Toscana

Tippek a helyiektől

May 10, 2017
Great collection of large prehistoric fossil vertebrates (mammoths, sabertooth tigers, whales etc.), all from Tuscany, or from Florence itself
August 23, 2019
Among the museums for children I can not fail to mention the Museum of Natural History which actually includes 6 sections located in different locations (but always in the historic center). In the Geology section (in via La Pira 4) you will see lots of italian fossils (and not only) retracing the evolution of life on earth starting from the oldest evidence of 3,5 billion years ago. You will certainly be impressed by the collection of skeletons of some animals found in the Valdarno area, including the elephant "Pietro", so it was nicknamed, 4 meters high. The Specola Museum (via Romana 17) is the oldest scientific museum in Europe and preserves collections of animals (stuffed animals) numerous skeletons in the Salone deli Scheletri on the first floor (open on special occasions or by appointment with guided tours) and the beautiful Tribune of Galileo, dedicated to the scientist and decorated with splendid frescoes. Are your children passionate about archeology? Then you could take them to visit the National Archaeological Museum MAF where they will find Egyptian mummies, Etruscan sarcophagi and Roman sculptures.
Among the museums for children I can not fail to mention the Museum of Natural History which actually includes 6 sections located in different locations (but always in the historic center). In the Geology section (in via La Pira 4) you will see lots of italian fossils (and not only) retracing the ev…
July 19, 2014
The visit of Section Geology and Paleontology is not only one of the most appropriate methods to take direct knowledge of fossils, precious witnesses of the past of our Earth: it is also an enjoyable.
June 17, 2019
The Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze is a natural history museum in 6 major collections, located in Florence, Italy. It is part of the University of Florence. Museum collections are open mornings except Wednesday, and all day Saturday; an admission fee is charged. The museum was established on February 21, 1775 by Grand Duke Pietro Leopoldo as the Imperial Regio Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale. At that time it consisted of several natural history collections housed within the palazzo Torrigiani on Via Romana. Through the past two centuries, it has grown significantly and now forms one of the finest collections in Italy.
The Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze is a natural history museum in 6 major collections, located in Florence, Italy. It is part of the University of Florence. Museum collections are open mornings except Wednesday, and all day Saturday; an admission fee is charged. The museum was established on F…

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