Miután elkezdesz gépelni, javaslatok fognak megjelenni. Az áttekintéshez használd a felfelé és lefelé mutató nyilakat. A kiválasztáshoz használd az Enter billentyűt. Ha a kijelölt rész egy kifejezés, akkor a kifejezés kerül be a keresésbe. Ha a javaslat egy link, akkor a böngésző erre az oldalra navigál.

Kifizetések felosztása különböző kifizetési módok között

You can decide how and where you receive the money you earn by setting up payout rules.

How split payouts work

To divide your payouts between two different methods, you’ll need to create routing rules. These rules will determine how payouts and adjustments (like resolutions) are distributed for each listing.

For example:

  • Assign all earnings from one listing to one payout method and earnings from another listing to a different method.
  • Split a single listing’s earnings by percentage—for instance, send 20% to one account and 80% to another.

Adding payout methods

Before setting up routing rules, make sure your payout methods are added and verified. Once their status is marked as Ready, you can begin creating routing rules and splitting payouts.

Megosztott kifizetések beállítása

Megosztott kifizetések beállítása asztali böngészőben

  1. Kattints a Profil > Fiók > Fizetések és kifizetések lehetőségre
  2. Kattints a Kifizetésekre
  3. A kifizetésmegosztás beállításainál kattints a Fizetésfelosztási szabály hozzáadására, és válaszd ki, hova küldjük a pénzt
  4. Kattints a Mentésre

Sharing payouts with co-hosts

If you work with a co-host and want to share a percentage or fixed amount of your earnings with them, you can do this by setting up co-host payouts.

Combining routing rules and co-host payouts 

If you apply both routing rules and co-host payouts to the same listing, they’ll stack:

  1. The routing rules will split the payout first.
  2. The co-host percentage will then apply to each portion from the routing rules.


Total host payout: $500

Routing rules:

  • 80% to payout method 1 = $400
  • 20% to payout method 2 = $100

Co-host payout (20% of each split):

  • $80 from payout method 1
  • $20 from payout method 2

Routing rules apply to upcoming payouts

New routing rules apply only to future payouts; they won’t affect payouts for confirmed reservations made before the rule was added.

Managing your payouts

You can view and manage your earnings in your Earnings dashboard. If a payout for a reservation is still Pending, you can change the payout method using the dropdown menu in the dashboard.

Changes to routing rules for future reservations can also be made in your Earnings dashboard, but only if you’re using a single payout method, not two.

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