Miután elkezdesz gépelni, javaslatok fognak megjelenni. Az áttekintéshez használd a felfelé és lefelé mutató nyilakat. A kiválasztáshoz használd az Enter billentyűt. Ha a kijelölt rész egy kifejezés, akkor a kifejezés kerül be a keresésbe. Ha a javaslat egy link, akkor a böngésző erre az oldalra navigál.

Hogyan rendelhetek feladatot valakihez, illetve hogyan vállalhatok el feladatot?

You need to have a team permission other than “Tasks” within your hosting team (learn more about hosting teams on Airbnb) in order to assign a task, such as cleaning before or after a guest's stay, maintenance jobs, or greeting arriving guests onsite, to one of your team members. You can always assign or claim available tasks for yourself.

To assign an available task to a team member:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks 
  2. Go to Task overview > All tasks or Tasks overview > Available tasks
  3. Click or tap on the task you want to assign to a team member
  4. In the task view click or tap on Add an assignee
  5. Search and click or tap on the team member you want to assign

To assign an available task to yourself:

  1. Log in to your account on a desktop computer or browser (not using the Airbnb app) and go to Tasks 
  2. Go to Task overview > Available tasks
  3. Click or tap on the task you want to claim
  4. At the bottom of the task view, click or tap Claim
  5. The task will now be under Task overview > My tasks
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